Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Medea: the Movie

Now that we've watched (and snickered at parts of) Medea, I can't wait a whole week to hear what you thought of it. So please add your two cents here: what did you like, what was annoying, upsetting, off the mark, etc. etc. I'll start by asking the burning question: what was up with that kiss? And what did you think about Zoe Caldwell's (over)acting, for which she got a Tony. As always, we'll look forward to reading your comments.


Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

I thought her overacting looked like she was strung out on drugs. Although there were also times when it called to mind The Exorcist. But that is just my flippant contribution. On a more serious note, I didn't think this "translation" left any room for the audience to be sympathetic of Medea.

Linda C. said...

Jess, I totally agree. This is such an over-the-top portrayal of a crazy lady (who doesn't even come up with her own good ideas; she needs the nurse to suggest them!) Euripides must be turning in his ancient grave. But I wonder if any modern audience could be made to feel sympathetic to her.

Rhetorical Twist said...

I agree with Jess in that this interpretation left no room for sympathy. If I had not read the play, I would argue that yes, Medea is completely crazy. I know that they did show a *little* bit of her struggle about if she should kill her kids or not, but not really. She just seemed totally consumed by the thought of getting back at Jason. I think the play didn't depict her as crazy, as I think of "crazy" being someone who is out of control. I think she knew exactly what she was doing by the way she manipulated everyone around her.

I would also like to apologize to the class for facilitating the rental of such a film! :-)

Linda C. said...

No apologies needed. I will continue to show that film or some other version for several reasons: 1) it shows how "originals" can get transformed (note that I didn't say distorted); 2) it raises the issues of legitimacy and representation; and 3) it was interesting and I thought that a lot of it (well, some of it) was pretty good). How 'bout the rest of you?

Jessica said...

I disagree... the apology was much needed! 1) I bet there *are* other versions. 2) The Law & Order transformation seemed more interesting, at least to me. 3) Allie apologizing in an academic setting makes me snicker.

Linda C. said...

Of course there are other versions, and some considered quite fine but too long or unavailable for our purposes. You might consider finding one (Maria Callas as an operatic M., Dame Judith Anderson [who played the Nurse] as a '50s Medea, a ballet version, etc. etc.) Could be a great paper topic!

Stuart said...

I thought Jason had great legs.
(That was what I had to say positive about the movie!)
The nurse did an excellent job.
The kiss was ridiculous! It had no place in the story...and it just complicated the characters sense of each other.
I whole-heartedly agree with Jess that the movie interpretation left no room for OUR interpretation...that is, no doubt, Medea was crazy in the movie. However, I had an entirely different perspective based on the text. I saw Medea as clear headed, calculative, and ALMOST justified in all her actions. As a father of three beautiful daughters, I could never ever ever ever justify or understand how or why someone would hurt their own children! Period.
That layer of Medea's retribution changed how I saw her. Prior to that act, Medea had my support in her actions.
Now, on the other hand, if you ask *MY MOTHER*, she might tell you...
never mind.

Linda C. said...

Speaking of Jason...possibly my "favorite" part of the movie was when someone (the nurse?) told Jason to take off his gi-normous helmet 'cause he was scaring the kids. Ha!
Come on, the rest of you. Give us some feedback!

Alana Knowles said...

I couldn't get over Jason's short "skirt"!!!!! It was ridiculous! I know he was only in costume but it was hard to find sympathy for him just because he looked so utterly ridiculous. Other than that, I thought the interpretation was decent. It just left nothing to really discuss. And by this, I don't mean sarcastic discussion.