Saturday, March 15, 2008

An update

Hello everyone. This is certainly a message I never anticipated posting. Unfortunately, I have just recently found out that I will be needing some surgery as soon as possible. Because of the lenghty recovery period anticipated, I will most likely not be returning to KU this semester. On a positive note, Dr. Janice Chernekoff, herself no slouch when it comes to Rhetoric and Lit., has agreed to take over the class, beginning on Weds. Wednesday's assignment will stay the same.

I invite all of you to stay in touch; I'd love to hear from you. I also hope that you all still walk for CF on April 5 (go Team Rhet of Lit!) as we had planned and take lots of pictures!

Take care of yourselves and have a great rest of the semester.


Alana Knowles said...

Ohhh Dr Cullum!!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that! We will miss you so much! I hope you feel better very soon. You'll be in my thoughts :)

Jenna Hermany said...

Is everything ok?! Class won't be the same without you! Get better!

Brianne said...

This is one of my favorite classes...not only for the material but because you teach it. I hope all goes well and you have my wished for a safe and quick recovery! I know you will be missed by all of us!

Lorrie said...

Dr. Cullum! I hope everything is okay, we will all miss you so much! I hope you feel better soon, we'll be thinking about you :)

Stuart said...

Sometimes we get so caught up in all the commotion that we call "life," that we forget about what matters most.
You have (and will certainly continue to have) made an indelible imprint on every one of your students. As part of our lives, your absence will be deeply felt.
Please know that you have my love and support. If there's anything I can do... PLEASE just ask.
God Speed,